The cross on this necklace is striking and has a weight that reminds the wearer of their duty to sacrifice - sacrifice what is easy for what is right. It is not always easy to love those who we do not agree with, look like, or understand - but for the sake of humanity we must do just that. Love, compassion and kindness for all is the only way forward.
This necklace includes a variety of Jasper stones and metal beads, with a lobster claw clasp. Jasper is a protective, nuturing and balancing stone.
Click on the links above to get more detailed information aboout crystals and symbols on my website.
This necklace is about 24' long (end to end) and the cross hangs another 2" lower.
I make my jewelry strong and I take pride in my craftsmanship - but still, life happens! If your necklace ever breaks please pick up all the pieces and send everything back to me - I'll fix it or remake the whole thing for free and send it back to you!